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Super Dungeon Product Checklist


Updated: May 26, 2020

Game Boxes

[] Super Dungeon Explore 1.0

[] Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King

[] Super Dungeon Arena

Level Boxes

[] Von Drakk Manor 1.0 (comes with Rattlebones that were moved to the tile set in 2.0)

[] Von Drakk Manor 2.0

[] Caverns of Roxor 1.0

[] Caverns of Roxor 2.0 (has new sculpts for Princess Ruby, Deeproot Scout, and Roxor)

[] Super Ninja Ambush

1.0 Spawn Boxes

[] Rocktop Gang [dup from Caverns of Roxor 1.0]

[] Fireflow Denizens [dup from Cavens of Roxor 1.0]

[] Dragon's Clutch [dup from 1.0 box]


[] Stilt Town Zombies

[] Emerald Valley

[] Mistmourn Coast

[] Claws of the Wyrm

Dungeon Bosses

[] Beatrix the Witch Queen

[] Goro

[] Testudo Tower

Tile Sets

[] Dragonback Peaks

[] Crystalia Castle

[] Von Drakk Manor

[] Privy's End (PVP playmat)

Mini Bosses

[] Iron Golem

[] Kaelly the Nether Strider (1.0 and 2.0 box)

[] Succubus Vandella (1.0 and 2.0 box)

[] Jack Scarecrow

[] Captain R (1.0 and 2.0 box)

[] Herald of Vulcanis (1.0 and 2.0 box)

[] Shadow Mode Candy

[] Ser Snapjaw

[] Kasaro-To (1.0) [relic knights]

Upgrade Decks

[] Forgotten King Upgrade Deck [also part of Boo Booty Box]

[] Ninja All-Stars Upgrade Deck 1

Single Heroes

[] Twilight Knight (plastic) [kingdom death]

[] Nyan Nyan

[] Brave Mode Candy and Never Lost Cola

[] Kunoichi Candy and Ninja Cola

[] Deeproot Wolfrider

[] Wandering Minstrel

[] Tabbybrook Mage

[] Calico Kate (1.0) [relic knights]

[] One Shot (1.0) [relic knights]

[] Princess Malya (1.0) [relic knights]

[] Sebastian Cross (1.0) [relic knights]

[] Kisa (1.0) [relic knights]


[] Candy and Cola [Sodamaster Candy] (1.0) [metal]

[] Royal Paladin (1.0) [metal]

[] Hearthsworn Fighter (1.0) [metal]

[] Glimmerdusk Ranger (1.0) [metal]

[] Ember Mage (1.0) [metal]

[] Riftling Rogue (1.0) [metal]

[] Princess Ruby (1.0) [metal]

[] Kobold Knucklehead (1.0) [metal]

[] Kobold Gouger (1.0) [metal]

[] Kobold Flinger (1.0) [metal]

[] Kobold Ironscale (1.0) [metal]

[] Kobold Dragon Priest (1.0) [metal]

[] King Starfire (1.0)


[] Twilight Knight (Resin) [hero/kingdom death]

[] House Phoenix Pugilist [hero]

[] House Siren Enforcer [hero]

[] House Unicorn Diviner [hero]

[] House Cerberus Occultist [hero]

[] Sweetheart Candy [hero]

[] Randy Lrod of Spiders [mini boss]

[] Gnomish Excavator [boss]

[] Furious Fungomancer [mini boss]

[] Crystal Shaper [hero]

[] Crystal Weaver [mini boss]

[] Hecate Vilehorn [mini boss]

[] Gloomborn Champion [hero]

[] Tusk Raider [hero]

[] Mistmourn Warg [mini boss]

[] Celestial Healer [hero]

[] Star Guild Rock Singer [hero]

[] Leopold Magnus [hero/relic knights]

[] Bang Bang [hero/relic knights]

[] Black Snow [hero/Game of Thrones]

[] Tahariel [hero/relic knights]

[] Relic Knights Pet Pack [3 pets/relic knights]

[] Future House Publishing Mini Set [5 heroes duplicating various 1.0 heroes]

[] Rainbow Dragoon [hero]

[] Night Hunter [hero]

[] Nu-Koa Seraph [hero]

[] Celebration Candy [hero]

[] Steelhorse Candy [hero]

[] Makerguild Engineer [hero]

[] Riftling Master of Chains [hero]

[] Nagari Archpoisoner [hero]

[] Kringle [hero]

[] Fed-Up Farmer [hero]

[] Ice Climber Candy [hero]

[] Frozen Queen [hero]

[] Kasi [WotF Nether Assassin CosPlay] [hero]

[] Severina [WotF Hexcast Sorceress CosPlay] [hero]

[] Ren [WotF Clawtribe Barbarian CosPlay] [hero]

[] Lumi and Zakkadia [WotF Princess Ruby CosPlay] [hero]

[] D'Shaun [WotF Cursed Captain CosPlay] [hero]

[] Faris [WotF Princess Emerald CosPlay] [hero]

[] Jun [WotF Sanctioned Witch CosPlay] [hero]

[] Chuy and Apprentice [hero/hero]

[] Princess Citrine [hero]

[] Witch Exterminator [hero]

[] Aurelia [WotF Nyan Nyan CosPlay] [hero]

[] El Falcoln [WotF Celestrial Herald CosPlay] [hero]

[] Alberdus [WotF Dark Centurion CosPlay] [hero]

[] Songbird Candy and Twilight Cola [WotF Wandering Minstrel/Twilight Knight CosPlay]

[] Formless Hanzo [hero - alt sculpt resin NAS model]

[] Blind Samurai [hero - resin NAS model]

[] Goemon [hero - resin NAS model]

[] Onryo [mini boss - alt sculpt NAS model plus Chochin-Obake creeps]

[] Shingami [mini boss (NAS/Kagejima figure]

[] Nyan Nyan [hero/resculpt]

[] Princess Emerald [hero/resculpt]

[] Springtime Druid [hero]

Repacked Ninjas

[] Clan Tanchyo [warband box]

[] Clan Kitsune [warband box]

[] Clan Ika [warband box]

[] Tengu [mini boss]

[] Dark Kitsune [mini boss]

[] Jorogumo [boss]

[] Karura [hero]

[] Moon Princess [hero]

[] Hanzo [hero]

[] Uzumaki [hero]

[] Sun Empire Wandering Samurai [hero]

[] Benkei [hero // you need to acquire via NAS pack and upgrade deck card]

[] Howl and Yip [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Shojo [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Yagyu Jubei [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Arashikage [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Yokozuna [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Mochizuki [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Bakusho Mondai [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Komuso [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Musashi [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Mizaru [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Mizuchi [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]

[] Ryu [no upgrade deck yet, print and play card available online]


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