Discord ID Holy Cross#7306

The companion website for the Crystalia Castle Town Discord Channel
Crystalia Castle Town is bursting full of the knowledge and experience of hundreds of Discord users and dungeon explorers. Here we seek to record and archive this knowledge for the benefit of all who'd enter the catacombs and dungeons of Crystalia.
This website is fan work and not an official product. All rights to Super Dungeon Explore and any official images are held by Sodapop Miniatures, Ninja Division, and the respective owners.

Crystalian military doctrine is a chronicle of campaigns, operations, battles, and engagements against the forces of the Dark Consul. It is a guide to action, rather than hard and fast rules. Doctrine provides a common frame of reference for Heroes and Adventurers.  Be wary and safeguard this information, for should the Dark Consul’s forces obtain it, they are sure to use it against us.
More content will be published over time. Keep an eye on this site and the Crystalia Castle Town Discord for more great articles and tactica!